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Full Spectrum Forestry and Forest Dan
Hello I'm Forest Dan

What Does Forest Dan Do?

Forest Dan does everything he can to help everyone understand our forests.  Forest Dan speaks to many groups and teaches many classes, but primarily wants to reach everyone with the positive message that good forest stewardship can benefit us all.

Forest Dan presents a program called Full Spectrum Forestry in many different ways, but always from a very broad perspective.  Forests cover large areas of the earths surface and our quality of human life worldwide, is directly linked to that forest cover.  How we interact with the forests around us, whether we work in the forests or just consume them from afar, is what Forest Dan works to harmonize.

Primarily and the most accessible, are the educational and inspirational DVD’s that  Forest Dan develops.  In making these films, the country is traveled with an eye for the forests and the people that manage them, use them, or enjoy them from a distance.  Forests are first understood, then projects are physically demonstrated for positive management goals, techniques and ergonomics and a small sign is left that says Forest Dan Was Here.  

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